Feeling Helpless, yet Hopeful

In the noise of the everyday battle for equality, for justice, and for freedom I tend to lose my voice. I tend to lose my strength and wonder ‘what the hell am I even doing? What can one person do?’
And then, when I start to discern the noise I hear one strong voice, two strong voices and then a choir of strong leaders. Strong women, strong people of color saying and doing what needs to be done.
Just because you’re not leading the battle, it does not mean you’re not part of it. We all have parts to play. We all have strengths and weaknesses that compliment others’ strengths and weaknesses.
Feeling helpless is part of the motions of the battle for justice. However, it is up to you if you decide to stay helpless.
It is in these moments where you gather resources and support. You find ways to care for yourself, you find ways to continue your journey. Advocacy work is hard, it can be discouraging but it is never done. Standing up, and standing out is important but you first need to know what that looks like for you and how you’re going to make it possible.
No matter what, stay hopeful. Stay hopeful while you rest. Stay hopeful while you advocate. Stay hopeful even when you cry.
United we are strong. United we are supported
Signing off,


We all have a part to play in oppression, in freedom, in courage. And today I am grateful and thankful for all those brave and courageous souls who marched and are still marching. Thank you. Thank you. Thank. You.
Special thank yous to my people of color, my family, for standing up and standing out. Though we fear for our future, ya’ll stand proudly. Ya’ll refuse to go down. Thank you.
In honor of these souls I offer this art piece created months ago with no purpose and no meaning. Yet today, as I read about the people who keep marching, I saw this piece as an offering to their hard work.
I would love to see/ read other artworks honoring those who refuse to be silenced and those who refused to go unseen. Share your part in this stand against corruption. Let your voice be heard.
Medium: Alcohol Ink on unknown canvas material.
Signing off,


Today’s news bring an unwelcomed black shroud. I decide to take it and make a funeral dress.
Please feel free to share your thoughts in this thread through art form of any kind.
Today my heart mourns.
It would like to believe
Courage, instead, will be born;
Yet it cannot, itself, deceive
‘Keep breathing,’ the voices sing.
I keep thinking of all those lives
That won’t feel the song bring
Them solace, or strength to thrive.
Though I see others building,
I wonder if those bridges
Will bring a much needed gilding.
Even if just in form it is abridged.
Signing off,

#artfreesmysoul: ‘Inauguration Haiku’

I believe that in dark times art helps me find light. Art also helps me rally close to those who also are lost in the dark.

As part of my advocacy work I would like to start a space dedicated to poetry and art. I invite you all to feel free to share what needs to be through art in this thread.

Every day I will create a new post to give space for artistic expression. Please join me with #artfreesmysoul

I will start:

‘Inauguration Haiku’
If hope stands alone
Create community, then
Action is needed

Signing off,